About Counselling

Evidence suggests long-term relational "one to one" counselling therapy produces effective outcomes, however, shorter term counselling can also be effective in helping people through difficult moments in their lives.

I am trained in a 5 -relational model which includes, psychodynamic factors (unconscious / past patterns), here and now relations, reparative relationship, intersubjective and the working alliance between us both. The relationship in the counselling room can often be a mirror for the relationships that occur outside the room thus the counselling room can provide a space for dynamics to be worked through.

I can also work with CBT and help look at thought processes that can contribute to issues such as low self-esteem and anxiety for example.

What Conditions Can it Help?

Counselling can help with many conditions - some of which have been mentioned on the previous page.

What Benefits can be Expected?

Over time a feeling of greater understanding of yourself, a better sense of self-esteem, the sense of trusting yourself and others, the ability to work through conflict through self-belief.

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